ballooners, paper collectors
scrap dealers Apart from
being the most common
economic and commercial
activity in Fatih, the
second-hand shops are also
the entire social life of the
people in the city. The market,
which is set up every Saturday,
takes place diagonally
on the street and
becomes the city’s
biggest concern.

market, people who
come to visit the market,
people from out of
town, If spaces were
created that allow
people without property
to participate in this
urban setup,
how would
connection with
locales are
established, where
would the walls be
drawn, sometimes with
concrete barriers or
sometimes with just
perceptual limitations,
and where
would the
roads are?

I wanted to observe the intersection of undefined walls and defined areas,
the destruction of houses on a building block and its ability to re-exist and
interact with people. This irregularity, which consists of 2 different levels,
reaches up to the 2nd floor with concrete columns and helps to define
certain areas by preserving its existence at the 1st level.

If the houses did not open into an apartment or a stairwell, how would
the street gain part-time ownership and how would the two-sided use
of the street be balanced if every house was included in the street when
it opened its door?
If public corridors were spread on the upper floor, and this is a design
that spreads on the upper floors as well.
Bauhaus, proposed by Ludwig hilberseimer,
has been one of the inspiration points for urbanism. The designated living spaces, in which we divide a given area into grids,
are determined on certain roads. People where continue their life circulation every day, where they will laugh, where they will socialize,they live in a habitat that has already been calculated
and even planned. Encounters and possibilities are a
river flowing through this particular plan. When we
think of the space universe, it conveys an infinite
universe where there is no grid. When we think
of Dostoevsky’s book, the roads we walk every
day are also planned, as Nikolay Vsevolodovich
planned his murder.

In spaces where spaces are lined up between closed walls, location and direction are personal matters.

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